What is the maximum width of chair that this fits around?
Submitted by Catshak - Birmingham
The widest chair for this table would be 70cm / 27.5 inch wide at the base.
What is the maximum weight which this table can support please?
What is the maximum weight which this table can support please I would like to use it as a computer desk over a recliner chair In common with a previous enquirer I would need to be able to set a table such as this to the left side of my chair because that is where the electricity sockets are and the side where cable clutter and visibility could be kept to a minimum. There must be quite a few of us who need the table to be reversible so to speak Might you ask the manufacturer whether they might add a left hand side model to their repertoire I`d e so glad to be kept in the loop please.
Submitted by RP - West Sussex
Thank you for your enquiry. The maximum weight that the Easylift Split Top Table can be placed on the table is 11kg. Unfortunately currently we have no plans to create a left hand version of this table but I will definitely raise your feedback with the supplier.
Can item be built so its lefthanded and not righthanded
Can item be built so its lefthanded and not righthanded In all the photos it shows the table being righthanded never the opposite My chair has a wall directly on the right as i sit so would need the table to come in from the other side from my left can it be changed to this configuration Thank You
Submitted by Gary - Bristol
Thank you for your enquiry, Unfortunately the Easylift Split Top Table is unable to be built for the left hand side, this is a standard design from the manufacturer. If you have any further questions, please do not hesitate to contact us.
How high is the clearance for the castors and bar?
How high is the clearance for the castors and bar? What clearance does it need under the chair?
Submitted by Denise - Tiverton
Thank you for your enquiry. This table is capable of being a range of heights, as the table can be adjusted between 74.5 and 105.5 cm tall. As long as your seat height on your chair is no more than 100 cms tall, this table will work. If you would like the table to go over the arms of your chair please make sure they are also under 105cms tall. The tables base goes around the chair so no clearance under the chair is necessary. For further information please contact our dedicated Sales Team on 0800 111 4774.