Yes, so long as it is not too tall. Most standard tea pots should be fine.
How to fill the kettle?
Hi how would my 90 year old mother in law fill the kettle up, and how many cups off water can you get out off the kettle?
Submitted by Leslie - Torquay
Most people fill with a cup or small jug. It holds 1.5 Litres, which is about 2 1/2 pints.
what is the kettle made of, metal or plastic
I dont need to ask any thing more
Submitted by Sheila - Hampshire
The kettle vessel, cradle and base is made from Polypropylene, a thermoplastic polymer (type of plastic). All plastics in contact with water are BPA free. Element and controls are stainless steel.
where does the mains plug into the kettle?
I cannot see the mains connection in the pictures
Submitted by JC - Ramsgate
Thank you for your enquiry, there is a plug fixed to the base of the kettle, which is not displayed in the photo. If you have any further questions, please do not hesitate to contact us.