A mobility scooter can offer those with difficulty walking long distances the independence and freedom they may otherwise be without. Of course, any scooter should be more than just a tool, it should also be enjoyable and pleasant to drive. A feature that will enhance your experience of using a mobility scooter is suspension. But what exactly does this feature offer?
Suspension Improves Comfort
The typical town pavement is rarely smooth, usually being covered in bumps and small potholes it can make the ride on a standard scooter a bit of a bone-shaking experience.
This is even worse if you suffer from aches and pains in your joints and muscles, as they could be exacerbated by the jolts as you travel.
By purchasing a mobility scooter with suspension, the bumps will be ironed out as you glide over the pavement with ease. For example, the Li-Tech Marathon has a system perfect for a comfortable ride.
Whether you’re taking it for a short trip down to the shops or going for an adventure on some unpaved paths, you’ll be able to enjoy the journey to its fullest.
It Can Make Your Scooter Last Longer
The heavy use most mobility scooters will get means they’ll inevitably develop some wear and tear, this is mostly caused by the daily demands of rough roads and paths.
Having a suspension system included in a scooters design will take a lot of the stresses off of the rest of the scooter.
You may think that this just means the suspension will wear out instead. However, suspension is specifically designed to absorb shocks and stresses, making it far more durable than other parts of the scooter in those situations.
Even in the unlikely event you may need to repair an element of the suspension it’s still only one part rather than multiple parts, saving you money.
It Gives You More Control
Having suspension also gives you greater control of your scooter. On an ordinary scooter, if you hit a large bump with one wheel it can affect all wheels, which may cause you veer off in a direction you don’t want to go. This can be scary and potentially dangerous if you end up crashing.
With suspension, the wheel will absorb the impact without influencing the other wheels. Allowing you to continue on your journey with minimal disturbance. This increased level of control is hugely helpful if you frequently take trips down poorly maintained roads, or if you have difficulty with strength in your arms or dexterity in your arms.
If you feel as though a mobility scooter with suspension is right for you, then you need to make sure that the scooter you want has it. When looking for a new mobility scooter make sure the specifications list clearly states that it has suspension. You can read all of my mobility scooter advice here.