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Introducing our new 8mph Mobility Scooters: Corvus Rapide & Vega RS8

June 03, 2019 -
Corvus Rapide and Vega RS8 road mobility scooters

The latest additions to our range of mobility scooters are finally here, and we think you’re going to love them. The Corvus Rapide and Vega RS8 are our new 8mph mobility scooters, packed with all the features you need to get out on the roads all year round, as well as a serious dash of style. Class 3 mobility scooters are the only road-legal mobility vehicles, so if you’re looking to travel on the roads in the UK then you’ll need to make sure your model fits those specifications. The Corvus Rapide (30 mile range) and Vega RS8 (24 mile range) are both excellent examples of road-legal mobility scooters, and are great choices for those looking for something comfortable, safe and powerful for longer journeys. Let’s take a closer look!

Full Suspension Systems

Both the Corvus Rapide and Vega RS8 are fitted with suspension systems to protect the frame and yourself from the harmful vibrations of the road. Fed up with aches and pains after a long ride on your uncomfortable scooter? Our new 8mph mobility scooters will keep you comfortable on even the most rugged of roads. Both mobility scooters also sport padded captain’s seats with a headrest and armrests. The swivel seat is great for easy side access, as are the flip-up armrests. The captain’s seat is fitted to a sliding mechanism, so you can sit as close to or as far from the tiller as you need to. The Corvus Rapide 8mph Mobility Scooter has a ground clearance of 3.5” (the Vega RS8 is slightly lower at 2.6”), perfect for taking on all kinds of terrain.

Safety First

A 6-8mph mobility scooter needs to include specific safety features for road travel. Both the Corvus Rapide and the Vega RS8 use electro-mechanical brakes to bring you to a safe halt when you take your finger off the accelerator. Indicators, brake lights and rear-view mirrors all enhance your visibility on the road, while the front LEDs light the way for night-time journeys. The Corvus Rapide also includes a sunlight-readable LCD display panel, to help you keep track of important information like battery level and speed. We love these new 8mph mobility scooters. They offer everything you need to travel further afield, with plenty of modern finishing touches to help them stand out. And while they aren’t the sort of mobility scooters to fit in a car boot, what they lack in portability they more than make up for in style. The Corvus Rapide is available in a striking Teal colour, while the Vega RS8 can be purchased in Metallic Black or Metallic White. Discover more mobility scooters for sale here.

Will Harrison
Will Harrison Founder of CareCo

Will Harrison is the founder of CareCo. He has worked in the mobility industry his entire life and grown CareCo from a grassroots business in his family home to the UK's leading mobility retailer with nationwide mobility showrooms and operating in the global market.

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