While some perceive riser recliner chairs as a luxury rather than a necessity, for many people they are a medical aid. Certainly, the features and functions provide rest and relaxation and are pure indulgence, but that does not negate the medical benefits of a riser recliner chair. Here, we present some of the conditions that such a chair can alleviate or ease and the types of patients who find our range beneficial.
People with Back Conditions
Back pain costs the UK economy billions every year, affecting anybody at any age for any length of time. Relieving back pain and helping recovery is a matter of ensuring the right posture for the person experiencing the problem. Some people must lie flat while others need to sit bolt upright. Being able to adjust the reclining functions of a rise recliner helps relieve some of the worst stress on the back. You may lean back as far or as little as you’d like, finding a position ideal for your unique and individual back problem. Similarly, the rising function reduces stress on the back from standing from a seated position and vice versa.
People with Foot Problems
Foot pain, swelling, or damage to the bones or muscles of your feet – most foot conditions are a result of gravity and the pressure that the body places on the lower extremities expected to carry that weight. The ability to tilt your body back when resting to elevate your legs and especially your feet is one of the greatest advantages of a lift and recline armchair. Pressure can especially be problematic for people who suffer from swollen feet. Sometimes ankle and foot swelling is a symptom of kidney or liver disease, but for the most part, it’s caused by a build-up of water and salt.
People with Circulation Problems
Circulation problems are a common condition of being a bipedal species. It can affect mobility, making movement stiff and painful. Poor circulation is often caused by low physical activity. Simple exercises can alleviate this but it does take time. Exercise is not always possible for all patients either, especially those recovering from illness or injury. A CareCo riser recliner chair can improve circulation in such patients. Elevating the legs and lying flat restores the balance to the body that gravity removes, alleviating the pressure of standing up.
Prevention is Be
tter than a Cure
As we get older, our health deteriorates. We begin to realise that we have to be much more careful about how we treat our bodies to ensure a good, long and healthy life. That’s why your CareCo riser recliner is a great mobility and health aid for problems before they arise. Our customers invest in this type of furniture as they realise the importance of good posture, good circulation and comfortable seating in their home. • Using the motors to create a comfortable seating arrangement can improve posture and remove the temptation to slouch. Although slouching can be comfortable, it’s not good for the back due to the lack of support. A rise recliner chair allows the user to lean back and maintain support. • Never underestimate the power of creating a relaxing environment. Being able to sit in a relaxing position is great for our general mental health. The benefit of this is immeasurable and can provide light relief from the stresses of a physical ailment. • People with muscle strain are often advised to rest. Putting too much strain on leg muscles can potentially cause other problems such as muscle tearing and damage. Your CareCo riser recliner can prevent the patient getting to that stage.